​Picking up books borrowed from the Book Tower now also possible at automated lockers at Blandijn

If you want to borrow items from the Book Tower or its external storage areas, starting next week, you'll have the option to pick them up from the automated locker on the ground floor of the Blandijn building.

With this initiative, the University Library is experimenting with new ways to make the printed collections more accessible for students and researchers. The use of the lending machine will be closely monitored, and procedures will be finetuned accordingly. More details can be found online at https://lib.ugent.be/en/info/cubee or at the Book Tower (via ).

For this project, collaboration was sought with cubee.be (a subsidiary of BPost), who operate a network of automated lockers for parcel delivery in Belgium. The system in Blandijn can in effect also be used to pick up or return your own parcels.