Call for papers: Telling Tales Out of School. Latin education and European Literary Production

"Telling Tales Out of School - Latin education and European Literary Production". Ghent University (Belgium), 14-16 September 2017. We accept papers in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Please send an abstract of ca. 300 words and a five line biography to by 1 February 2017.

​The main focus of this conference will be the dynamic interaction between European literary production and Latin education as its undercurrent. At the two extremes, this relation can, on the one hand, be defined as one in which education only functioned as a transmitter of knowledge and literary attitudes; on the other hand, education can also be seen as a full part of the intellectual environment in which literary techniques, values and texts were not only transferred, but also evaluated and (re-)created. From the latter perspective, Latin literature and education were involved in a constant negotiation about (changing) aesthetic, social and historical elements.

This conference seeks to cover the entire Latinitas from the institutionalization of Latin education, as embodied by Quintilian, to the end of Latin as a primary language of schooling in modern times. We invite proposals for 30-minute papers on the interaction between education and literature. Particularly welcome are proposals with a comparative approach to different periods, geographical areas and/or literatures in other languages that had to emancipate from their Latin background.

More info: see attachment.