Re-Moving Apartheid. Postdramatic and Postnarrative Modes of Coping with Trauma (28-30 September 2016)

The international conference Re-Moving Apartheid: postdramatic and postnarrative modes of coping with trauma deals with the dominance of the meaning-based and positivist trauma regime in trauma studies.

​It moves beyond the western idea that through narrative recall and storytelling the ‘trauma’ can be healed and the traumatic past can be mastered. ​Re-Moving Apartheid contends that a cultural trauma is not easily removed.There is no time ‚after' the cultural trauma. Instead there is the endless re-living and re-moving around the traumatic experience. Cultural trauma keeps on moving a person in a way that outwits common sense. 

Through lectures, workshops, performances and an exhibition, Re-moving Apartheid explores the transformative role of art to cope with traumatic experiences. This in order to create non-verbal and embodied transformative encounters in violated and traumatized communities and to provide a critical perspective on the restrictive Western memory regime at work in practices of healing and reconciliation.​

Programme & registration